admin 发表于 2014-7-2 08:53:05


欢迎参加加拿大华人青少年高尔夫协会(Canada Chinese Junior Golf Association)主办的多元文化PlayForeKids( 慈善高球赛(也可只参加晚宴7:00pm 开始).

活动将月本周日7月6日上午11:30开始Tee Off,鼓励10:00am 或更早到达,免费使用练习场热身。活动在大多最著名的球场之一Wooden Sticks Golf Course,40 Elgin Park Drive, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N2,正常价格周中$214.70或周末$169.50/人(含税), 我们只按团体优惠价$140/人收取(球场实收价)含中, 晚餐, 小费,税,礼品(每人获价值$20的大毛巾或其他);

本次慈善活动商家赞助将捐给Sick Kids Foundation & CCJGA做公益活动。 您的参与,就是对慈善活动的最大支持,每位参赛者将获慈善感谢状!
少量名额,请速报名:647 505 6168 Mike Li;

As a registered Canadian non-profit organization, the Canadian Chinese Junior Golf Association (CCJGA) is committed to promoting golf among the Canadian Asian community – junior golfers in particular. The scope of our organization covers various cities such as Markham, Mississauga, and Thornhill. In order for our organization to develop and run efficiently, CCJGA cooperates with volunteers to jointly promote the popularity of golf in the overseas Asian community. With the rapid growth of our golf community, more activities are being offered. CCJGA provides various golf training sessions, camps, and activities for different age groups and golf enthusiasts. Through the content-rich and systematical activities, we provide an entertaining environment for skill development. Our goal is to foster the growth of junior golf in Canada and give youth golfers the opportunities to practice their skills in a recreational or competitive environment.We hope to enhance our participants’ enthusiam in golf.


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