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加拿大新措施生效,要求所有飞往加拿大的旅客出发前做COVID-19检测 ... ... ... ...

2021-1-8 02:20| 发布者: Mary| 查看: 2211| 评论: 0

摘要: 加拿大新措施生效,要求所有飞往加拿大的旅客出发前做COVID-19检测航空旅行新措施生效出发前需做检测呈阴性抵达后仍须隔离十四天请避免任何非必要旅行 有关我们边境措施的最新更新:从1月7日开始,任何飞往加拿大的 ...


航空旅行新措施生效     出发前需做检测呈阴性
抵达后仍须隔离十四天  请避免任何非必要旅行

       有关我们边境措施的最新更新:从1月7日开始,任何飞往加拿大的旅客在登机之前必须获得COVID-19检测阴性的结果。 检测必须在预定起飞时间的72小时内进行。 如果他们不遵守此要求,航空公司将拒绝他们登机。
      抵达加拿大之后,加拿大边境服务人员将询问并观察他们是否有任何症状。官员还将验证他们提交的隔离计划——因为任何进入加拿大的人都必须隔离14天。 加拿大公共卫生署正在与加拿大皇家骑警和省级执法机构密切合作,以核实回程旅客是否符合规程的情况。 那些不遵守隔离的人将面临严重的后果。
      自去年三月以来,我们一直强烈建议国民不要进行任何非必要的旅行,我们还将继续尽一切努力确保全国人民的安全。 有关我们边境采取的有力措施的更多信息,请看以下新闻:

New pre-departure COVID-19 testing requirements come into effect for all air travellers flying into Canada

源自:加拿大交通部    2021年1月6日  渥太华   加拿大政府
1月6日,交通部长马克•加尔诺(Marc Garneau)阁下发布临时指令,正式实施要求所有前来加拿大的航空旅客进行新的COVID-19检测措施,并向航空公司及航空旅行的公众提供进一步的指南,联邦政府最初于12月31日宣布了这个新的出发前检测要求。这一临时指令符合加拿大卫生部长依照《检疫法》提出的COVID-19卫生要求。

      从2021年1月7日凌晨(东部时间00:00时或UCT时间 05:00时)开始,所有5岁以上的旅客,无论国籍如何,都必须向航空公司提供COVID-19实验室检测结果为阴性的证明,才可登上飞往加拿大的航班飞机。这一检测必须使用两种COVID-19检测之一:分子聚合酶链反应(molecular polymerase chain reaction, PCR)或环介导等温扩增(Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification, LAMP)——并且必须在旅客计划飞往加拿大之前的72小时内进行。

     在实施初期,来自某些国家、地区的旅客将获得有限时间的灵活性,以顾及在这些国家需要对检测体系有一定适应过程。从圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛(Saint Pierre et Miquelon)出发的旅客可以在1月14日以前免除提交COVID-19检测阴性证明的要求;从海地出发的旅客也可以在2021年1月21日之前免除出示证明的要求。但强烈建议他们在抵达加拿大后立即进行COVID-19检测。从加勒比海或南美出发的旅客可以使用在出发前96小时内(而不是72小时)进行的病毒检测,直到2021年1月14日。

交通部长马克•加尔诺(Marc Garneau)阁下:
“ COVID 19疫情大流行远未结束。我们需要继续保持警惕,我们需要继续采取行动减少航空旅行传播病毒的风险。这项新的临时指令将有助于保护加拿大人和航空旅客。我们将继续评估各种公共卫生风险,并努力遏制COVID 19在加拿大的传播。”
卫生部长帕蒂•海度(Patty Hajdu)阁下:
公共安全和应急准备部长比尔•布莱尔(Bill Blair)阁下:
外交部长商鹏飞(François-Philippe Champagne)阁下:

News release
New pre-departure COVID-19 testing requirements come into effect for all air travellers flying into Canada
From: Transport Canada

January 6, 2021                      Ottawa                         Government of Canada
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis that is having a significant impact on the air industry and all travellers. The Government of Canada has multiple measures in place to protect the health and safety of Canadians, and to help prevent air travel from being a source of further introduction and spread of COVID-19 and new variants of the virus into Canada.
Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, issued an Interim Order formalizing new COVID-19 testing requirements for all air travellers coming to Canada, and providing additional guidance to airline operators and the travelling public regarding the new pre-departure testing requirement that was announced on December 31. This Interim Order supports COVID-19 health requirements made by Canada’s Minister of Health under the Quarantine Act.
Effective midnight on January 7, 2021 (00:00 EST or 05:00 UCT), regardless of citizenship, all travellers five years of age or older must provide proof of a negative laboratory test result for COVID-19 to the airline prior to boarding a flight to Canada. The test must be performed using one of two types of COVID-19 tests–either a molecular polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)–and must be conducted within 72 hours of the traveller’s scheduled departure to Canada.
All travellers coming to Canada must present this information at the time of boarding.  Failure to do so will mean an automatic denial of boarding by the airline operating the flight to Canada.
Once travellers arrive in Canada, Canada Border Services officers will question and observe them for any indication that they may be ill. These travellers will be referred to Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) officials for further assessment, screening and questioning. Officers will apply great scrutiny to travellers’ quarantine plans while ensuring that they are admissible to Canada. PHAC works closely with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provincial law enforcement agencies to verify the compliance of returning travellers.
At the outset, there are time-limited flexibilities for travellers departing from some countries in recognition of the need for testing systems to adjust. Travellers departing from Saint Pierre et Miquelon are exempt from the requirement to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test until January 14, and travellers departing from Haiti, until January 21, 2021, but they are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 test once they arrive in Canada. Travellers departing from the Caribbean or South America can use tests conducted within 96 hours of departure (instead of 72 hours) until January 14, 2021.
Travellers with planned flights to Canada are strongly encouraged to take note of this information, in order to be compliant with the requirements, and to avoid being refused boarding by the airline.
Anyone who receives a negative test result and is authorized to enter Canada must still complete the full, mandatory 14-day quarantine, unless exempted under the Quarantine Act. Travellers are reminded that ongoing vigilance is still required. In addition to completing their full quarantine period, returning travellers must monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and submit information electronically through ArriveCAN. If symptoms develop, even if mild, or a positive test for COVID-19 is received once in Canada, travellers are advised to contact local public health authorities.
All existing restrictions to travel to Canada from the United States and other countries by foreign nationals remain in place. The Government of Canada continues to enforce and strengthen those measures as needed, and as the global situation evolves.
“The COVID 19 pandemic is far from over. We need to continue to be vigilant, and we need to continue to take action to reduce the risks of spreading the virus by air travel. This new interim order will help protect Canadians and air travellers. We continue to assess public health risks, as we to work to limit the spread of COVID 19 in Canada.”

Minister of Transport
The Honourable Marc Garneau
“Pre-departure testing offers an additional layer of protection to Canada’s existing multilayered strategy, in addition to existing measures such as mandatory 14-day quarantine. However, we still urge Canadians to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada. It is important that Canadians understand that they risk being exposed to the virus during travel outside the country and, in turn, may expose other Canadians, including those most at risk of serious illness.”

Minister of Health
The Honourable Patty Hajdu
“These new measures do not replace any of the previous measures we have put in place to protect Canadians. All travellers must still quarantine for 14 days after they arrive unless explicitly exempt. We continue to strongly advise against travel of any kind, and if anyone doesn’t follow the quarantinerequirements, they could face severe penalties. The health and safety of Canadians is our top priority and should be the top priority of every Canadian.”

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
The Honourable Bill Blair
“The decision to implement the pre-boarding negative testing measures was not made lightly. While we recognize its potential to cause inconvenience and frustration to Canadians abroad travelling back to Canada, we are doing what is necessary to help protect the health of all Canadians. The COVID-19 situation continues to be unpredictable and changes rapidly.  We must also adapt rapidly.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne

Associated links
• Backgrounder on COVID-19 Pre-departure testing and Transport Canada’s Interim Order
• Interim Order
• COVID-19 measures, updates, and guidance issued by Transport Canada
• ArriveCAN
• Travel requirements
• Quarantine fact sheet




